Y8 Resources - Summer Term

Summer Term

Electricity and magnetism

Investigate parallel circuits  compared with serial circuits

What is magnetism?

How electromagnets are made

Inheritance and genetics

Genes and chromosomes

How genes are inherited from our parents

Natural selection and evolution


Biodiversity and its preservation

Earth and the Climate

Natural resources

Metal ores

Metal reactivity series (reactions of metals with acids) 

Metal extraction by heating with carbon and by electrolysis

Using resources sustainably by re-using and recycling

Composition of the atmosphere

Carbon cycle

The Greenhouse effect and climate change


The different types of microbes

Using microscopes to view microbes

Useful and harmful microbes

How do we protect ourselves from harmful microbes

Ideal for a quick reminder about a topic

National Academy Lessons

Catch up on any lessons that you have missed using the National Academy


Lesson 1

Lessons 7 to 10

Earth and Resources

Lessons 8 to 11, 13, 14

Practice answering real questions. Use the answers to mark your own work and improve

The core knowledge you need to have for this topic

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