Y8 Autumn Need To Know

You will be tested on the four topics you have learnt this term (listed below)

There are links to BBC Bitesize and to some Oak Academy lessons. Please use these if there are areas of the topic you found particularly difficult or if there are any lessons you missed.

Other useful resources are:

Review of Year 7 and Introduction to Year 8

Energy – Work, Heating and Cooling

BBC Bitesize

Revision lesson 1

Revision lesson 2

Organisms – Breathing and digestion

BBC Bitesize Breathing

BBC Bitesize Digestion

Breathing revision lesson

Digestion revision lesson 1

Digestion revision lesson 2

Bioenergetics – Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; photosynthesis

BBC Bitesize Respiration

BBC Bitesize Photosynthesis

Revision lesson - respiration

Revision lesson – photosynthesis